首页> 外文期刊>Strategic Management Journal >Compensation Transparency And Managerial Opportunism: A Study Of Supplemental Retirement Plans

Compensation Transparency And Managerial Opportunism: A Study Of Supplemental Retirement Plans


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Existing research on managerial compensation is based primarily on optimal contracting and managerial hegemony theories. Under the optimal contracting theory, observed compensation contracts are optimally determined, aligning the interests of managers and shareholders. Under the managerial hegemony theory, observed compensation contracts deviate from the optimum because top managers with power over boards are able to influence their own pay. I argue that the impact of managerial power over boards on managerial pay, and hence the deviation of compensation contracts from the optimum, is contingent on the transparency of managerial compensation. Within this framework, I investigate the impact of supplemental executive retirement plans (SERPs)-historically the least transparent compensation component-on opportunistic decision making. An empirical analysis based on a time series sample of CEOs of S&P/TSX60 firms provides support of the compensation transparency theory. I find that SERF benefits are primarily driven by variables proxy ing for CEO power over the board, whereas more transparent compensation components are primarily driven by economic factors. The results also suggest that CEOs whose SERPs are contingent on firm performance appear to reduce firm R&D expenditures as they approach retirement. Both findings provide important contributions to existing research on the impact of managerial compensation on opportunistic decisions.
机译:现有的关于管理者报酬的研究主要基于最优合同和管理霸权理论。在最优契约理论下,观察到的薪酬契约是最优确定的,它使管理者和股东的利益保持一致。在管理霸权理论下,观察到的薪酬合同偏离了最优合同,因为拥有董事会权力的高级管理人员能够影响自己的薪酬。我认为,管理权对董事会的影响对管理人员的薪酬以及补偿合同与最优合同的偏离,取决于管理人员补偿的透明度。在此框架内,我研究了补充性高管退休计划(SERP)的影响-历史上最不透明的薪酬构成-对机会主义决策的影响。基于S&P / TSX60公司首席执行官的时间序列样本的实证分析为薪酬透明度理论提供了支持。我发现SERF的收益主要是由代表首席执行官在董事会中的权力的变量所驱动的,而更透明的薪酬要素主要是由经济因素驱动的。结果还表明,SERP取决于公司绩效的CEO似乎在接近退休年龄时会减少公司的研发支出。两项发现都为有关管理人员薪酬对机会性决策的影响的现有研究提供了重要的贡献。



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