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Discussion of 'The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample'


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In this comment on the discussion paper The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample by A. Cerioli, M. Riani, A. Atkinson and A. Corbellini, we describe how the hard rejection property of the MCD method can be mimicked by an S-estimator with appropriate rho-function. We also point the reader to fast and deterministic algorithms for the MCD, S- and MM-estimators that are specifically suited for monitoring experiments. They were made available a few years ago and successfully used for monitoring in our papers. Finally, the question is raised how monitoring can be applied or extended for increasing numbers of cases, variables and tuning parameters.
机译:在对讨论文件“监视的力量:如何充分利用污染的多元样本”(A. Cerioli,M。Riani,A。Atkinson和A. Corbellini)的评论中,我们描述了MCD方法的硬排斥特性可以由具有适当rho函数的S估计器模仿。我们还为读者提供了MCD,S和MM估计器的快速确定性算法,这些算法特别适合于监视实验。它们在几年前就已可用,并已成功地用于我们论文的监控。最后,提出了一个问题,即如何应用或扩展监视以增加案例,变量和调整参数的数量。



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