首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Methods and Applications >Discussion of 'The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample' by Andrea Cerioli, Marco Riani, Anthony C. Atkinson and Aldo Corbellini

Discussion of 'The power of monitoring: how to make the most of a contaminated multivariate sample' by Andrea Cerioli, Marco Riani, Anthony C. Atkinson and Aldo Corbellini

机译:Andrea Cerioli,Marco Riani,Anthony C. Atkinson和Aldo Corbellini讨论了“监视的力量:如何充分利用受污染的多元样本”

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The paper of Andrea Cerioli, Marco Riani, Anthony Atkinson and Aldo Corbellini is a fine review of the practical value of the forward search and the other related robust estimation methods based around monitoring of quantities of interest over a range of consecutive values of the tuning parameters. From a practical standpoint in data analysis the availability of such tools is essential, and the research reported in this paper has brought them to an wide audience. As a potential user of such tools I am particulary interested in their software implementation on one hand and their applicability to an wide range of data analysis problems. More precisely, I would like to address the following two points: (1) the software availability and computational issues related to monitoring and (2) monitoring in one special case, the case of compositional data.
机译:Andrea Cerioli,Marco Riani,Anthony Atkinson和Aldo Corbellini的论文很好地回顾了正向搜索的实用价值以及其他相关的可靠估计方法,这些方法基于监视一系列连续调整参数值中的关注量。从数据分析的实际角度出发,此类工具的可用性至关重要,并且本文报道的研究已将其带给了广泛的受众。作为此类工具的潜在用户,我尤其对一方面的软件实现以及它们对各种数据分析问题的适用性特别感兴趣。更准确地说,我想谈谈以下两点:(1)与监视有关的软件可用性和计算问题;(2)在一种特殊情况下,即在组成数据的情况下,进行监视。



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