首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics >Statistical literacy and awareness as strategic success factors of a national statistical office – the case of Statistics Finland

Statistical literacy and awareness as strategic success factors of a national statistical office – the case of Statistics Finland


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Reliable statistical information is essential for describing social phenomena and development. In addition to producing reliable, relevant, coherent, timely and understandable statistical information, national statistical institutes should pay special attention to user support, statistical awareness and statistical literacy. Increase in statistical literacy and awareness also enhances the influence of statistical information, and builds and maintains the legitimacy of official statistics in society. This article provides two insights into statistical literacy: what kinds of platforms and arenas do statistical offices have for increasing statistical literacy, and what kinds of connections are there between statistical literacy in society and the legitimacy of official statistics. First, the concepts of publicity, legitimacy and statistical awareness are discussed from the perspective of a national statistical office. Second, the general idea of releasing statistical data as well as some examples of co-operation with various user groups – the media, educational institutes, members of parliament and citizens – are also described. The benefits gained and topics for future development are discussed.



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