首页> 外文期刊>OR Spectrum >A yard storage strategy for minimizing traffic congestion in a marine container transshipment hub

A yard storage strategy for minimizing traffic congestion in a marine container transshipment hub


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This paper studies a storage yard management problem in a transshipment hub where the loading and unloading activities are both heavy and concentrated. In order to reduce the number of reshuffles, which helps to reduce the vessel turnaround time, the port operator uses the consignment strategy to group export and transshipment containers according to their destination vessel. To reduce the potential traffic congestion of prime movers, a high–low workload balancing protocol is used. A mixed integer programming model is formulated to determine the storage locations of incoming containers, the number of incoming containers and the smallest number of yard cranes to deploy in each shift. An iterative improvement method is developed to solve the problem, in which a tabu search based heuristic algorithm is used to generate an initial yard template, and then the generated yard template is improved by an improvement algorithm iteratively until an optimal or a satisfactory solution is obtained. Experiment results show that the proposed method can generate excellent results within a reasonable time, even for the extreme cases.
机译:本文研究了一个转运枢纽的仓储场管理问题,在该枢纽中,装卸活动既繁重又集中。为了减少重新安排的次数,这有助于减少船只的周转时间,港口运营商使用寄售策略根据其目的地船只对出口和转运集装箱进行分组。为了减少原动机的潜在交通拥堵,使用了高低工作负载平衡协议。制定了混合整数规划模型,以确定进货集装箱的存放位置,进货集装箱的数量以及每次班次要部署的最小堆场起重机数量。为了解决该问题,提出了一种迭代改进方法,该方法采用基于禁忌搜索的启发式算法生成初始码模板,然后通过改进算法对生成的码模板进行迭代改进,直到获得最优或满意的解决方案。 。实验结果表明,所提出的方法即使在极端情况下也能在合理的时间内产生出色的结果。



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