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The Limits of Black Pragmatism: The Rise and Fall of David Dinkins, 1989-1993


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In the 1980s New York City's fortunes seemed to descend as the decade progressed. In 1989 David Dinkins won the city's mayoral race by constructing a “Rainbow Coalition” of Blacks, Latinos, liberal whites, and labor. By taking a strategically pragmatic approach to the office, Dinkins emerged from his campaign victorious, but soon found his coalition difficult to maintain, as each constituency held differing expectations of New York's first and only Black mayor. Race both propelled Dinkins to victory in 1989 and contributed to his defeat in 1993. This article argues that racial tensions, a difficult economy, budget deficits, entrenched police opposition, and Dinkins' own failures of leadership combined to undermine his attempts at re-election and identifies the limits of Black pragmatism.
机译:在1980年代,纽约市的命运似乎随着十年的发展而下降。 1989年,戴维·丁金斯(David Dinkins)通过建立由黑人,拉丁裔,自由派白人和劳工组成的“彩虹联盟”,赢得了该市的市长竞选。丁金斯通过采取战略上务实的办公室态度,从竞选中获胜,但很快发现他的联盟难以维持,因为每个选区对纽约第一位也是唯一的黑人市长的期望都不一样。种族既推动了丁金斯在1989年取得胜利,又推动了他在1993年的失败。本文认为,种族紧张局势,经济困难,预算赤字,根深蒂固的警察反对派以及丁金斯自身的领导能力失落,共同破坏了他的连任尝试。并确定了黑人实用主义的局限性。



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