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Reluctant Donors: African Americans, Campaign Contributors, and the Obama Effect—or Lack of It


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Conventional wisdom indicates that African Americans contribute few dollars to federal candidates running for office. This happens even though their overall political participation is on par with white Americans, relative to differences in education and income. With the rise of Barack Obama, an African American, it seems logical that African American donations would increase. I analyzed locational and federal campaign donation data to investigate this question, concluding that donations from Blacks did not increase in 2008; indeed, they actually declined in 2008 compared to 2006 and 2004. This article investigates this phenomenon and suggests reasons why it was so.
机译:传统观点表明,非洲裔美国人为竞选公职的联邦候选人捐款几美元。即使在教育和收入差异方面,他们的总体政治参与程度与美国白人持平,但这种情况还是会发生。随着非裔美国人巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的崛起,非裔美国人的捐款将增加是合乎逻辑的。我分析了地区和联邦竞选活动的捐赠数据以调查此问题,得出结论认为,黑人的捐赠在2008年没有增加。实际上,与2006年和2004年相比,它们在2008年实际上有所下降。本文研究了这种现象,并提出了造成这种现象的原因。



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