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Bringing Malcolm to the Masses: The Long Journey from Page to Screen


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The effort to adapt The Autobiography of Malcolm X into a feature film lasted a quarter of a century and serves as a window through which Hollywood's relationship with Black spectators, artists, and subject matter can be examined. Preceding the controversy surrounding the production of Spike Lee's biopic Malcolm X (1992), this essay looks at the numerous failed attempts at adapting the Malcolm/Haley text and places each within the context of the changing film industry and African American popular culture. Charting the rise and fall of the blaxploitation cycle and the resulting erasure of African Americans from the cinematic frame in the 1980s, the failure to bring Malcolm X to the big screen can be rooted in the rationale of Hollywood production strategies and how they relate to African Americans as both subject and audience. The eventual realization of the project in 1992 is evidence of the cultural capital of Spike Lee individually and the hip hop generation as a whole, with Hollywood reconsidering the profitability of African Americans as both cultural producers and consumers.
机译:将《马尔科姆X自传》改编成故事片的努力历时四分之一个世纪,并作为考察好莱坞与黑人观众,艺术家和题材之间关系的窗口。在围绕Spike Lee的传记电影Malcolm X(1992)的制作产生争议之前,本文着眼于改编Malcolm / Haley文字的多次失败尝试,并将每种尝试置于不断变化的电影业和非洲裔美国流行文化的背景下。描绘了blaxploitation周期的兴衰以及由此在1980年代将非裔美国人从电影画面中抹去的原因,未能将Malcolm X带到大银幕的原因可以归结于好莱坞制作策略的原理以及它们与非洲人的关系美国人既是主体又是受众。该项目最终于1992年实现,充分体现了斯派克·李(Spike Lee)和整个嘻哈一代的文化资本,好莱坞重新考虑了非洲裔美国人作为文化生产者和消费者的盈利能力。



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