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Malcolm, Who Have You Been?: Musicalizing the Relationship between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad in X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X


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The striking and affecting 1986 opera, X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X, composed by Anthony Davis, uses clever theatrical devices in concert with Malcolm X's own doctrines to realize its objectives. The opera draws upon events as they were posited by the memoirs of Malcolm X, coauthored by Pulitzer Prize-winner Alex Haley, as well as additional historical sources. Composed by Anthony Davis, with a book by his brother, actor-director Christopher Davis, and a libretto by his cousin, poet Thulani Davis, X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X premiered professionally in 1986 at the New York City Opera. The work inaugurated a new genre: the opera based on a contemporary political subject. Davis's score is composed of an effortless blending of swing, bebop, gospel, hip-hop, traditional West Africans rhythms, classical Western music, and improvised sections. The piece is successful at examining from several innovative angles the seminal association between Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad and inevitability of the relationship's thoroughly vituperative end.
机译:安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)创作的一部引人注目且影响深远的1986年歌剧《 X:马尔科姆X的生活和时代》,结合马尔科姆X的学说使用了巧妙的舞台设备来实现其目标。歌剧借鉴了普利策奖得主亚历克斯·海利(Alex Haley)合着的《马尔科姆X》回忆录中记载的事件以及其他历史资料。由安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Davis)所著,并由其弟弟,导演兼导演克里斯托弗·戴维斯(Christopher Davis)所著,以及由堂兄的诗人图拉尼·戴维斯(Thulani Davis)创作,他在1986年在纽约歌剧院专业首演。该作品开创了一种新类型:基于当代政治主题的歌剧。戴维斯(Davis)的乐谱是轻松地将秋千,波普,福音,嘻哈,西非传统节奏,古典西方音乐和即兴演奏融合在一起。该作品成功地从几个创新的角度研究了马尔科姆X和伊莱贾·穆罕默德之间的开创性联系以及这种关系彻底化解的必然性。



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