首页> 外文期刊>Solid-State Electronics >Sensitivity analysis of magnetic field sensors utilizing spin-dependent recombination in silicon diodes

Sensitivity analysis of magnetic field sensors utilizing spin-dependent recombination in silicon diodes


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An analysis of the magnetic field sensitivity that could be achieved in a sensor utilizing spin-dependent recombination (SDR) in silicon diodes is presented. Based on current theories of spin-dependent recombination and shot noise in diodes it is predicted that conventional silicon diodes may be used as detectors in a resonant magnetic field sensors with better than 3 μT resolution in a 1 Hz bandwidth - adequate for applications such as compassing, current sensing, position sensors and non-contact switches. A semiconductor device optimized for maximum SDR response will theoretically achieve a resolution on the order of 1 nT.
机译:提出了一种在硅二极管中利用自旋相关复合(SDR)的传感器中可以实现的磁场灵敏度分析。根据当前自旋相关的重组和二极管中散粒噪声的理论,可以预测,常规的硅二极管可以用作共振磁场传感器中的检测器,在1 Hz带宽内具有优于3μT的分辨率-适用于罗盘等应用,电流感应,位置传感器和非接触式开关。理论上针对最大SDR响应进行了优化的半导体器件将实现1 nT量级的分辨率。



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