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Very long instruction work architectures and the ELI-512


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By compiling ordinary scientific applications programs with a radical technique called trace scheduling, we are generating code for a parallel machine that will run these programs faster than an equivalent sequential machine - we expect 10 to 30 times faster. Trace scheduling generates code for machines called Very Long Instruction Work architectures. In Vey Long Instruction Word machines, many statically scheduled, tightly coupled, fine-grained operations exwcute in parallel with a single instruction stream. VLIWs are more parallel extensions of several current architectures. These current architectures have never cracked a fundamental barrier. The speedup they get from parallelism is never more than a factor of 2 to 3. Not htat we couldn't build more parallel machines of this type: but until trace scheduling we did't know how to generate code for them. Trace scheduling finds sufficient paralleslism in ordinary code to justify thinking about a highly parallel VLIW. At Yale we are actualy buildingone. Our machine, the ELI-512 has a horizontal instruction word of over 500 bits and will do 10 to 30 RISC-level operations per cyple [Patterson 82]. ELI stands for Enormously Longword Instructions; 512 is the size of the instruction word we hope to achieve. (The current design has a 1200-bit instruction word).
机译:通过使用称为跟踪调度的根本技术编译普通的科学应用程序,我们正在为并行计算机生成代码,这些代码将比同等顺序的计算机更快地运行这些程序-我们希望速度提高10到30倍。跟踪调度为称为超长指令工作体系结构的机器生成代码。在Vey Long指令Word机器中,许多静态调度,紧密耦合的细粒度操作与单个指令流并行地消失。 VLIW是几种当前体系结构的更并行扩展。这些当前的体系结构从未突破过基本障碍。它们从并行性获得的加速永远不会超过2到3的因数。不是这样,我们无法构建更多这种类型的并行机:但是直到跟踪调度,我们才知道如何为它们生成代码。跟踪调度可以在普通代码中找到足够的并行性,以证明对高度并行的VLIW的考虑是正确的。在耶鲁,我们实际上是一个重要的人物。我们的机器ELI-512具有超过500位的水平指令字,并且每循环可进行10到30个RISC级别的操作[Patterson 82]。 ELI代表“ Longorly Longword指令”; 512是我们希望实现的指令字的大小。 (当前设计具有1200位指令字)。



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