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Current techniques and future trends in embedded system's virtualization*


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Traditionally, virtualization has been adopted by enterprise industry to make better use of the general purpose processors (single and multicore) besides improving the utilization of existing computational resources, especially in data centers. Until recently, its use in embedded systems (ESs) seemed to be a distant, unnecessary, and unfeasible reality. However, with the rise of each more powerful multiprocessed ESs, typically implemented as multiprocessor system-on-chip, virtualization has become a very promising technique to achieve and improve functionalities in future multiprocessor system-on-chips. One of the main advantages of virtualizing ESs is to improve the software design quality because legacy software can be reused along with newer applications. Also, we have the classic use cases, such as allowing several operating systems (OSs) to work in the same physical resource, simultaneously. Still, we can provide more secure ESs by splitting the system into user application OS and security certified OS, for instance. Moreover, depending on the way that embedded virtualization is employed, it may be even possible to reduce manufacturing costs and energy consumption levels. However, it is well understood that although ESs deal with increasingly more powerful solutions, they are still far more restricted than general purpose computers, especially in terms of area, memory size, and power consumption. In this article, we provide an extensive analysis of what is being currently offered as embedded virtualization solution, the pros and cons, besides presenting an innovative proposal regarding virtualization for restricted embedded architectures and its possible advantages. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:传统上,虚拟化已被企业行业采用,以更好地利用通用处理器(单核和多核),同时提高对现有计算资源的利用率,尤其是在数据中心。直到最近,它在嵌入式系统(ES)中的使用似乎是遥不可及,不必要且不可行的现实。但是,随着每个功能更强大的多处理ES(通常实现为多处理器片上系统)的兴起,虚拟化已成为一种非常有前途的技术,可以实现并改善未来的多处理器片上系统的功能。虚拟化ES的主要优势之一是提高软件设计质量,因为可以将旧版软件与更新的应用程序一起重复使用。此外,我们还有经典的用例,例如允许多个操作系统(OS)同时在同一物理资源中工作。尽管如此,我们仍然可以通过将系统分为用户应用程序操作系统和安全认证操作系统来提供更安全的ES。此外,取决于采用嵌入式虚拟化的方式,甚至有可能降低制造成本和能耗水平。但是,众所周知,尽管ES解决了越来越强大的解决方案,但是它们仍然比通用计算机受到更多的限制,特别是在面积,内存大小和功耗方面。在本文中,我们提供了对当前作为嵌入式虚拟化解决方案提供的内容的广泛分析,以及利弊,除了提出了有关针对受限嵌入式体系结构的虚拟化及其可能优势的创新建议。版权所有©2012 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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