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Charting New Meaning


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In his landmark book the visual display of Quantitative Information (Graphics Press reprint edition, 1992), Edward Tufte devotes an entire chapter to "chartjunk." Quoth the graph-master: "The interior decoration of graphics generates a lot of ink that does not tell the viewer anything new." Substitute "pixels" for "ink," and this statement applies to computer-generated charts and graphics that can be drawn faster than they can be discarded. Whether your design specification included charting from the beginning or users screamed for it at the eleventh hour, it's worth looking at third-party charting engines simply to benefit from the years of refinement that produced layout and drawing engines. Making a simple chart is a snap, but professional charts that respond well to wide ranges of data are no easy task. Fortunately, some great .NET charting engines are now available for a raft of applications.
机译:爱德华·塔夫特(Edward Tufte)在其具有里程碑意义的著作《定量信息的可视化显示》(图形出版社再版,1992年)中,整整一章专门介绍“垃圾邮件”。令图形大师感到奇怪的是:“图形的内部装饰会产生大量的墨水,不会告诉观看者任何新的东西。”用“像素”代替“墨水”,此声明适用于计算机生成的图表和图形,它们绘制的速度比丢弃的速度更快。无论您的设计规范是从一开始就包含制图功能,还是用户在第11个小时就对其大喊大叫,值得一试的是,只需受益于产生布局和绘图引擎的多年改进,便可以使用第三方制图引擎。制作简单的图表很容易,但是要对多种数据做出良好响应的专业图表却并非易事。幸运的是,现在有许多出色的.NET图表引擎可用于大量应用程序。



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