首页> 外文期刊>Social Work in Public Health >Worldview and Strengths-Based Perspectives: Defining Normative Development for African American Female Adolescents—Implications for Black South African Female Adolescents

Worldview and Strengths-Based Perspectives: Defining Normative Development for African American Female Adolescents—Implications for Black South African Female Adolescents


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The purpose of this article is to examine and understand the social and biological development of inner-city adolescent females in the United States, especially those impacted by poverty and who experience oppression. Africans and their descendents are viewed within a context of negativity throughout the nation and world (Billingsley, 1968, 1992; Hurd, Moore, & Roger, 1995; Ladner, 1972). Oftentimes, their struggles are viewed within a context of personal failures and not within the context of system injustices (Billingsley, 1968, 1992; Hill, 1972; Logan, 1990). Thus, their social development is viewed as abnormal. However, this author purports that there are factors that define the normative development of inner-city adolescent females. These findings have implications for Black female adolescents in South Africa as well. Those implications are delineated in this article.
机译:本文的目的是检查和了解美国内城区青少年女性的社会和生物学发展,尤其是那些受贫困影响并遭受压迫的女性。在整个国家和世界都处于消极情绪的背景下看待非洲人及其后代(Billingsley,1968,1992; Hurd,Moore,&Roger,1995; Ladner,1972)。通常,他们的斗争是在个人失败的背景下而不是在制度不公的背景下进行的(Billingsley,1968,1992; Hill,1972; Logan,1990)。因此,他们的社会发展被视为异常。但是,该作者声称有一些因素定义了城市内青少年女性的规范发展。这些发现也对南非的黑人女性青少年产生了影响。本文对这些含义进行了描述。



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