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Social Workers as Patient Navigators for Breast Cancer Survivors: What Do African-American Medically Underserved Women Think of This Idea?


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Patient navigation (PN) is a new initiative in health care aimed at reducing disparities by assisting patients in overcoming barriers within the health care system. As PN programs grow around the country, it is important to consult the key stakeholders in the development of these programs. The purpose of this qualitative study was to discuss the needs of medically underserved cancer patients and allow them the opportunity to provide input on models of care to meet their needs. Four focus groups were conducted in three major cities across Tennessee. Research participants (n = 36) were recruited by the staff in area cancer support programs and treatment programs across the state and through recruitment flyers at various treatment centers and community organizations. Findings revealed four key themes in the development of PN programs: (1) the PN needs to address access to quality care issues; (2) the PN needs to address the emotional and practical concerns of the cancer survivor; (3) the PN needs to address family concerns; (4) the PN needs to be involved across the continuum of care from time of diagnosis into long-term survivorship. Oncology social workers have a unique opportunity to meet the needs of medically underserved cancer patients through the PN movement. Our profession is a key stakeholder in this movement. We need to advocate for trained oncology social workers to actively pursue the role of patient navigators to ensure that the needs of medically underserved cancer survivors and their families are met.
机译:患者导航(PN)是医疗保健领域的一项新举措,旨在通过帮助患者克服医疗保健系统内的障碍来减少差异。随着PN计划在全国范围内的发展,在制定这些计划时,请咨询主要利益相关者非常重要。这项定性研究的目的是讨论医疗不足的癌症患者的需求,并为他们提供机会就他们的护理模式提供意见。在田纳西州的三个主要城市进行了四个焦点小组讨论。研究参与者(n = 36)由工作人员在全州范围内的癌症支持计划和治疗计划中以及通过各个治疗中心和社区组织的招募传单招募。调查结果揭示了PN计划开发中的四个关键主题:(1)PN需要解决获得优质护理问题的机会; (2)PN需要解决癌症幸存者的情感和实际问题; (3)PN需要解决家庭问题; (4)从诊断到长期生存,PN需要贯穿整个护理过程。肿瘤社会工作者有一个独特的机会,可以通过PN运动来满足医疗不足的癌症患者的需求。我们的专业是这项运动的关键利益相关者。我们需要提倡训练有素的肿瘤社会工作者,积极发挥患者导航员的作用,以确保满足医疗不足的癌症幸存者及其家人的需求。



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