首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >Post-political uncertainties: Governing nuclear controversies in post-Fukushima Japan

Post-political uncertainties: Governing nuclear controversies in post-Fukushima Japan


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This article examines a set of public controversies surrounding the role of nuclear power and the threat of radioactive contamination in a post-Fukushima Japan. The empirical case study focuses on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan most influential ministry and, more importantly, the former regulator of nuclear energy before the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Through participant observation of METI's public conferences, as well as interviews with state and non-state actors, I examine how particular visions of nuclear power continue to affect the basis of expert authority through which state actors handle post-Fukushima controversies and their subsequent uncertainties. In its post-Fukushima representations, METI frames nuclear power as an apolitical necessity for the well-being of the Japanese nation-state and the common humanity. It does so by mobilizing categories of uncertainty around specific political scenes, such as global warming. For METI, the potential uncertainties linked with the abandonment of nuclear power have the power to trigger political turmoil of a higher scale than those linked with Fukushima's radioactive contamination. A form of double depoliticization takes place, in which the issue of Fukushima's radioactive contamination gets depoliticized through perceived priorities that are paradoxically depicted as 'post-political' - that is, in an urgent need for immediate action and not open to in-depth deliberation. I refer to this process as establishing 'post-political uncertainties'. This kind of depoliticization raises ethical questions surrounding meaningful public participation in decisions that happen at the intersection of politics and science and technology study.
机译:本文审查了一套公众争议,周围核电的作用以及在福岛日本后的放射性污染威胁。实证案例研究侧重于经济,贸易和工业部(Meti),日本最具影响力的部门,更重要的是,2011年福岛核灾难之前的核能前监管机构。通过参与Meti的公共会议,以及与国家和非国家行为者的访谈,我探讨了核电的特定愿景,不断影响专家权力的基础,通过国家行动者处理福岛争议和随后的不确定性。在其后福岛代表中,Meti框架核电是日本民族国家的福祉和普通人性的非政治性必然。它通过调动特定的政治场景周围的不确定性类别,例如全球变暖。对于Meti而言,与核电的放弃相关的潜在的不确定性使能力引发更高规模的政治动荡,而不是与福岛的放射性污染联系的那些。采取了一种双重代理化的形式,其中福岛的放射性污染问题通过被认为是“政治后的”矛盾的优先事项被认为是“政治之后” - 即迫切需要立即行动,而不是深入审议。我将此过程称为建立“政治后不确定性”。这种代表性化引发了围绕政治与科技研究交叉口发生的有意义公众参与的道德问题。



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