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Listening in the Pakal controversy: A matter of care in Ancient Maya studies


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This article explores the fraught historical politics of a 20th-century controversy over a Classic Maya king. The controversy ostensibly concerned the age at death of a ruler discovered in 1952 in an elaborate sarcophagus at the Mexican site of Palenque. Combining osteological and epigraphic techniques, Mexican scholars estimated that the ruler died at about 40 or 50years of age. Two decades later, an emerging collective of US hieroglyph experts claimed to have determined the grammatical structure of Maya glyphs for the first time and reevaluated the sarcophagus inscriptions. They concluded that the king, given the name 'Pakal', lived a remarkably long life of 80years (603-683 ce). This reading sparked a controversy that would persist until 1999. At stake was not just how to tell the story of an ancient Maya lord, but who could tell it, with what evidence, and with what degree of certainty. The inclination of some Mexican archaeologists to adopt nationalist and Marxist orientations came into palpable tension with foreign scholars' liberal, universalist knowledge practices. To address this problem, I rethink Pakal's material mediation through bones and inscriptions as a 'matter of concern' (Bruno Latour) and 'matter of care' (Maria Puig de la Bellacasa). I show how these concepts facilitate the reconsideration of contradictory historical propositions as potential sites of coexistence among actors temporarily ill equipped to listen to each other's claims. Ultimately, I present 'listening' as a technique of cosmopolitical care that complements the extensive emphasis on speech and spokespersonship in Latourian cosmopolitics.
机译:本文探讨了20世纪有关经典玛雅国王的争议的历史政治。这场争论表面上与1952年在墨西哥帕伦克遗址上一个精心制作的石棺中发现的直尺的死亡年龄有关。墨西哥学者结合骨科学和人口统计学技术,估计该标尺死于40或50岁。二十年后,一个新兴的美国象形文字专家集体声称已首次确定了Maya字形的语法结构,并重新评估了石棺铭文。他们得出的结论是,国王的名字叫“ Pakal”,寿命长达80年(603-683 ce)。这种读法引发了一场争论,这种争论一直持续到1999年。紧要关头的不仅是如何讲述一个古老的玛雅人的故事,而且是谁可以用什么证据,以何种程度的确定性来讲述它。一些墨西哥考古学家倾向于采用民族主义和马克思主义的取向,这与外国学者的自由主义,普遍主义知识实践形成了明显的张力。为了解决这个问题,我重新考虑帕卡(Pakal)通过骨头和铭文进行的物质调解,将其称为“关注事项”(Bruno Latour)和“护理事项”(Maria Puig de la Bellacasa)。我将展示这些概念如何促进对相互矛盾的历史命题的重新思考,因为暂时不具备聆听彼此主张的演员之间潜在的共存场所。最终,我将“聆听”作为一种世界政治关怀技术,以补充拉图扬世界政治中对言语和代言人的广泛强调。



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