首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >A deviation from standard design? Clinical trials, research ethics committees, and the regulatory co-construction of organizational deviance

A deviation from standard design? Clinical trials, research ethics committees, and the regulatory co-construction of organizational deviance


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Focusing on the high-profile drug disaster at London's Northwick Park Hospital in 2006, this article explores how such an event can be seen as an example of organizational deviance co-constructed between the company running the research and the research ethics committee which approved the trial. This deviance was the result of the normalization of a specific dosing practice in the broader regulatory field, allowing the researchers and regulators to take a risky dosing strategy for granted as best practice. Drawing on the work of Diane Vaughan, this article uses interview data with researchers and members of the research ethics committee concerned as well as documentary material, to show how work group cultures between regulators and those they are intended to oversee are maintained, and how the culturally embedded assumptions of such work groups can result in organizational and regulatory deviance.
机译:本文着眼于2006年伦敦诺斯威克公园医院(Northwick Park Hospital)备受瞩目的毒品灾难,探讨了如何将此类事件视为运行研究的公司与批准试验的研究伦理委员会共同构建的组织偏差的一个例子。 。这种差异是在更广泛的监管领域对特定剂量实践进行规范化的结果,使研究人员和监管者可以采取冒险的剂量策略,将其视为最佳实践。本文利用戴安娜·沃恩(Diane Vaughan)的工作,利用与研究人员和有关研究道德委员会成员的访谈数据以及文献资料,来说明如何保持监管者之间以及他们打算监督的工作人员之间的文化,以及这些工作组的文化底蕴假设可能导致组织和法规偏差。



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