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Making up 'national trauma' in Israel: From collective identity to collective vulnerability


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We sketch a variety of institutional, discursive, professional, and personal vectors', dating back to the 1980s, in order to explain how national trauma' was able to go from a cultural into a professional category in Israeli mental health during the Al-Aqsa Intifada (2000-2005). Our genealogy follows Ian Hacking's approach to transient mental illnesses, both illustrating its fertility and expanding its horizon. Thus, we also explore the dynamics that developed in the Israeli mental health community with the advent of national trauma': while the vast majority of Israeli psychologists and psychiatrists did not adopt the category, they embraced much of its underlying logic, establishing a link between Israeli identity and the mental harm said to be caused by Palestinian terror. Remarkably, the nexus of national identity and collective psychic vulnerability also prompted the cooperation of Jewish and Palestinian-Israeli mental health scholars seeking to explore the psychological effect that the minority status of Israeli Palestinians had on them during the Al-Aqsa Intifada.
机译:我们绘制了可以追溯到1980年代的各种机构,话语,专业和个人媒介,以解释在阿克萨期间,民族创伤如何使以色列精神卫生从文化领域转变为专业领域起义(2000-2005)。我们的家谱遵循伊恩·哈金(Ian Hacking)处理短暂性精神疾病的方法,既说明了其生育能力,又扩大了视野。因此,我们还探讨了随着国家创伤的到来而在以色列精神卫生界发展的动力”:虽然绝大多数以色列心理学家和精神科医生没有采用该类别,但他们接受了该类别的许多基本逻辑,从而建立了联系。以色列的身份和精神伤害据说是由巴勒斯坦恐怖活动造成的。值得注意的是,民族认同和集体心理脆弱性的联系也促使犹太人和巴勒斯坦-以色列精神卫生学者合作,寻求探讨在阿克萨起义期间以色列巴勒斯坦人的少数地位对他们的心理影响。



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