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Without “you” I'm nothing: making white Britishness online


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Drawing on ethnographic data, this article examines the construction of British identity in an online community. Throughout, I specifically consider the function of “whiteness” - which often serves as a synonym for Britishness - as I explore the strategies of speaking subjects in the constitution of “self”. Analysing everyday discourse in relation to a wider hegemonic field where whiteness and Britishness are made to seem inextricably connected, I draw on the work of Edward Said and others - demonstrating that the discursive character of such an identity always entails the creation of an “other” who is made to stand as the place-holder of absolute difference. I endeavour to isolate specific constituting strategies so as to unmask the exclusionary structure of identity, while at the same time demonstrating the vulnerability of hegemonic meaning, which is consumed, negotiated, concretized or refused in and through routine interaction.
机译:本文利用人种学数据,研究了在线社区中英国身份的建构。在整个过程中,当我探索“自我”构成中讲主题的策略时,我会特别考虑“白人”的功能(通常是英国性的代名词)。通过分析与广泛的霸权领域有关的日常话语之间的联系,在白人与白人之间似乎有着千丝万缕的联系,我借鉴了爱德华·赛义德(Edward Said)等人的著作,证明了这种身份的话语性总是需要创造“他者”。成为绝对差异的占位符的人。我努力隔离特定的构成策略,以揭示身份的排他性结构,同时展示霸权含义的脆弱性,霸权含义的脆弱性是在日常互动中被消耗,协商,具体化或被拒绝的。



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