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Restricted confessions? Blogging, subcultural celebrity and the management of producer-fan proximity


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In this article we argue that “citizen journalist” debates surrounding weblogs, or “blogs”, have tended to displace attention from the ways in which specific media professionals (e.g. those working on television drama) have used blogging as a promotional tool. Rather than challenging forms of media power, we suggest that this blogging actually reinforces the cultural and symbolic power of media producers, positioned as knowledgeable “insiders”, versus fans strictly defined as “consumers”. Our particular focus is on cult television media professionals who can be thought of as “subcultural celebrities”. We contrast two different approaches to subcultural celebrity blogging, which we term “official” and “unofficial”, considering how these differential registers of formality/informality and strict gatekeeping/apparent accessibility both work to reify cultural differences and inequalities between subcultural celebrities and their fans. Rather than enabling confessions from behind-the-scenes of television production, these blogs remain significantly restricted in their confessional form. Our analysis suggests that professional identities are conserved and protected, meaning that any information that could potentially damage television brands or careers is kept firmly off-stage, either through controlled interaction with fans via an “official” blog, or via the less formal cultivation of codes of privacy/professionalism in “unofficial” blogs.
机译:在本文中,我们认为围绕博客或“博客”的“公民记者”辩论倾向于将注意力转移到特定媒体专业人员(例如,从事电视剧工作的人员)将博客用作促销工具的方式上。我们建议,此博客并非要挑战各种形式的媒体力量,而实际上是要增强定位为知识渊博的“内部人士”的媒体制作者与严格定义为“消费者”的粉丝之间的文化和象征力量。我们特别关注可被视为“亚文化名人”的邪教电视媒体专业人士。考虑到这些形式/非正式性和严格的门卫/明显可访问性的差异记录如何有效地纠正亚文化名人及其粉丝之间的文化差异和不平等现象,我们对亚文化名人博客的两种不同方法进行了对比,我们将其称为“官方”和“非官方” 。这些博客并没有从电视幕后的节目中招供,反而仍然受到供认形式的严重限制。我们的分析表明,职业身份得到了保护和保护,这意味着任何可能损害电视品牌或职业的信息都被牢牢地挡在了舞台之外,无论是通过“官方”博客与粉丝进行有控制的互动,还是通过不太正式的方式进行“非官方”博客中的隐私/专业守则。



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