首页> 外文期刊>Social & Cultural Geography >Producing the ideal fascist landscape: nature, materiality and the cinematic representation of land reclamation in the Pontine Marshes

Producing the ideal fascist landscape: nature, materiality and the cinematic representation of land reclamation in the Pontine Marshes


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Using previously unpublished material from the L'Unione Cinematografica Educativa (LUCE) archive and the Central State Archive in Rome, this article examines how film-making became part and parcel of the process of 'taming' nature in the Pontine Marshes under Mussolini's regime. Fascist authorities perceived the undisciplined and unproductive nature of the 'death-inducing' swamps as something that had to be extinguished from the face of Italy, to make way for an ideal fascist nature that would nurture ideal fascist subjects. We argue that the success of transforming the swamps owed as much to the extensive investment of labour power, capital, and technology, as it did to the careful staging of every step of the project through cinematographic representations. Although planning and land reclamation institutions were responsible for the material production of the reclaimed land, the LUCE institute was instrumental in actively turning this new land into the ideal fascist landscape. In so doing, the paper offers a new reading on landscape and nationalism explored through an analysis of the production of landscape in Italy under Mussolini.
机译:本文使用L'Unione Cinematografica Educativa(LUCE)档案馆和罗马中央国家档案馆以前未出版的资料,研究了电影制作如何成为墨索里尼政权在Pontine Marshes中“驯服”自然过程的组成部分。法西斯当局认为,“致死性”沼泽的无纪律和无生产性是必须从意大利脸上扑灭的东西,以便为理想的法西斯性质让路,以培养理想的法西斯主体。我们认为,改造沼泽的成功与劳动力,资本和技术的大量投资有关,而这与通过电影摄制仔细地分阶段实施项目的每一步一样。尽管规划和土地开垦机构负责开垦土地的物质生产,但LUCE研究所在将这片新土地积极转变为理想的法西斯主义景观方面发挥了作用。通过分析墨索里尼统治下的意大利景观生产,本文为景观和民族主义提供了新的解读。



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