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Arch Coal's Dugout Canyon mine shut down again by 'heating event'

机译:Arch Coal的Dugout Canyon煤矿因“加热事件”再次关闭



Arch Coal Inc. on June 22 suspended production at its Dugout Canyon operation for the nsecond time in less than two months after discovering evidence of a possible "heating nevent" inside the Utah underground mine. nCanyon Fuel Co. LLC, the Arch subsidiary that operates Dugout Canyon, voluntarily nevacuated the mine on the morning of June 22, Arch spokeswoman Kim Link said June n23. Link did not elaborate on the reasons for the closure, but various media reports nindicate that the closure occurred after workers found possible signs of a heating event nin a section of the mine previously excavated by the mine's longwall. nAfter the mine evacuation, Canyon Fuel notified the U.S. Mine Safety and Health nAdministration of the incident, Link said. MSHA spokeswoman Amy Louviere nconfirmed June 23 that an agency inspector issued a closure order for the mine that will nremain in place until the underground problems are resolved. Link added that mine npersonnel continue to monitor the situation in an effort to determine what steps the ncompany will take next.
机译:Arch Coal Inc.在6月22日发现犹他州地下矿井内可能发生“加热事件”的证据后,在不到两个月的时间内第二次暂停了其Dugout Canyon作业。 Arch女发言人金·林克(Kim Link)于6月23日表示,6月22日上午,运营Dugout Canyon的Arch子公司nCanyon Fuel Co. LLC自愿撤离了该矿。林克没有详细说明关闭的原因,但是各种媒体的报道表明,关闭是在工人发现矿井长壁开挖的一段矿井中出现加热事件的迹象之后发生的。 Link说,在撤离矿井之后,Canyon Fuel将该事件通知了美国矿山安全与健康管理局。 MSHA的女发言人艾米·路维耶(Amy Louviere)6月23日证实,机构检查员发布了该矿的关闭命令,该命令将一直存在,直到解决地下问题为止。链接补充说,我的npersonnel会继续监视局势,以便确定ncompany下一步将采取什么步骤。



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