首页> 外文期刊>Small wars & insurgencies >A transformed insurgency: The strategy of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in the light of communist insurgency theories and a modified Beaufrean exterior/interior framework

A transformed insurgency: The strategy of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) in the light of communist insurgency theories and a modified Beaufrean exterior/interior framework


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This paper examines the insurgency in Nepal (1996-2008) from a military theoretical point of view. It looks at the insurgency from Andre Beaufre's exterior/interior framework, which is modified to match postmodern conflicts. Simultaneously the importance of the political is underlined. The author critically examines the relevance of the Maoist label the movement and insurgency have received. He claims that the insurgency became a hybrid consisting of Chinese, Latin American, and Leninist thoughts wrapped in pragmatic/revisionists and nationalist ideas. The author also suggests that the ability of insurgents - or counter-insurgents - to combine the effects of the exterior and interior is more likely to constitute the key centre of gravity of a conflict than any single political, economic, or military factor.
机译:本文从军事理论的角度考察了尼泊尔(1996-2008年)的叛乱活动。它从安德烈·博弗雷(Andre Beaufre)的外部/内部框架着眼于叛乱,并对其进行了修改以匹配后现代冲突。同时强调了政治的重要性。作者批判性地考察了运动和叛乱收到的毛主义标签的相关性。他声称叛乱变成了混合了实用主义,修正主义和民族主义思想的中国,拉丁美洲和列宁主义思想的混合体。作者还建议,叛乱分子或反叛乱分子结合外部和内部影响的能力比任何单一的政治,经济或军事因素更可能构成冲突的关键重心。



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