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Overcoming the myth of the mental


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Can we accept John McDowell’s Kantian claim that perception is conceptual “all the way out,” thereby denying the more basic perceptual capacities we seem to share with prelinguistic infants and higher animals? More generally, can philosophers successfully describe the conceptual upper floors of the edifice of knowledge while ignoring the embodied coping going on on the ground floor? I argue that we shouldn’t leave the conceptual component of our lives hanging in midair and suggest how philosophers who want to understand knowledge and action can profit from a phenomenological analysis of the nonconceptual embodied coping skills we share with animals and infants, as well as the nonconceptual immediate intuitive understanding exhibited by experts.
机译:我们能否接受约翰·麦克道威尔(John McDowell)的康德式主张,即感知是“从头到尾”的概念,从而否认我们似乎与语言前婴儿和高等动物所共有的更基本的感知能力?更笼统地说,哲学家能否在不理会底层实践性应对的情况下,成功地描述知识体系的概念上层?我认为我们不应该将生活中的概念性部分悬而未决,并建议想了解知识和行动的哲学家如何从对我们与动物和婴儿以及其他人共享的非概念性应对技巧的现象学分析中受益专家展示的非概念性的即时直觉理解。



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