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Simulative evaluation of distributed attack detection in large-scale realistic environments


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Large-scale attacks such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks present to be an increasing threat to the networks and business of service providers in today's Internet. In order to defend against such attacks, the development and deployment of effective anomaly and attack detection mechanisms are necessary. Testbeds and real networks do, however, not provide feasible means for the large-scale evaluation of such mechanisms. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of distributed attack detection mechanisms, simulations are essential. Simulative evaluation of such mechanisms, however, is a challenging task that has mostly been ignored until now. In this paper, we therefore present a toolchain for the large-scale evaluation of distributed attack detection based on the network simulator OMNeT++. In particular, we focus on: (I) realistic simulation environments in terms of topology, traffic and attack generation; (2) transparent operation of attack detection mechanisms in real and simulated environments; and (3) performance measurements with respect to execution time and memory usage.
机译:如今,诸如分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击之类的大规模攻击正日益威胁着当今Internet中服务提供商的网络和业务。为了防御此类攻击,必须开发和部署有效的异常和攻击检测机制。但是,测试平台和真实网络并不能为大规模评估此类机制提供可行的手段。为了更深入地了解分布式攻击检测机制的有效性,必须进行模拟。然而,对这种机制的模拟评估是一项具有挑战性的任务,到目前为止,大多数人都忽略了这一任务。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种基于网络模拟器OMNeT ++的大规模评估分布式攻击检测的工具链。特别是,我们专注于:(I)在拓扑,流量和攻击产生方面的现实仿真环境; (2)在真实和模拟环境中透明地运行攻击检测机制; (3)关于执行时间和内存使用情况的性能度量。



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