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Fair two-party computation with rational parties holding private types


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Rational secure two-party computation (RSTPC) applies game theory to cryptographic protocols, where rational parties only care about how to maximize their utilities. Fairness can be achieved by assuming rational behavior in RSTPC. Previous RSTPC protocols achieve fairness under symmetric information, which seems quite strong and unnatural for rational parties. In this paper, we consider a general RSTPC protocol under asymmetric information where previous equilibriums are inadequate to guarantee fairness. Therefore, we propose a stronger equilibrium named computationally sequential equilibrium to guarantee fairness under asymmetric information. Furthermore, our protocol only requires small constant communication rounds. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:理性的安全两方计算(RSTPC)将博弈论应用于加密协议,在这种协议中,理性的方仅关心如何最大化其效用。可以通过假设RSTPC中的合理行为来实现公平。以前的RSTPC协议在对称信息下实现了公平,这对于有理关系的各方而言似乎是很强大和不自然的。在本文中,我们考虑了不对称信息下的通用RSTPC协议,其中先前的平衡不足以保证公平性。因此,我们提出了一个更强的均衡,称为计算顺序均衡,以保证不对称信息下的公平。此外,我们的协议只需要进行少量恒定的通信回合。版权所有(c)2014 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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