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Irregular computations in Fortran - expression and implementation strategies


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Modem dialects of Fortran enjoy wide use and good support on high-performance computers as performance-oriented programming languages. By providing the ability to express nested data parallelism, modern Fortran dialects enable irreg- ular computations to be incorporated into existing applica- tions with minimal rewriting and without sacrificing perfor- mance within the regular portions of the application. Since performance of nested data-parallel computation is unpre- dictable and often poor using current compilers, we inves- tigate threading and flattening, two source-to-source trans- formation techniques that can improve performance and per- formance stability. For experimental validation of these tech- niques, we explore nested data-parallel implementations of the sparse matrix-vector product and the Bames-Hut n-body algorithm by hand-coding thread-based (using OpenMP di- rectives) and flattening-based versions of these algorithms and evaluating their performance on an SGI Origin 2000 and an NEC SX-4, two shared-memory machines.
机译:作为性能导向的编程语言,Fortran的现代方言在高性能计算机上得到了广泛的使用和良好的支持。通过提供表达嵌套数据并行性的能力,现代的Fortran方言能够以最小的重写,并且在不牺牲应用程序常规部分性能的情况下,将不规则计算合并到现有应用程序中。由于嵌套数据并行计算的性能是不可预测的,并且在使用当前编译器时通常很差,因此我们研究了线程化和扁平化这两种可改善性能和性能稳定性的源到源转换技术。为了对这些技术进行实验验证,我们通过基于线程的手动编码(使用OpenMP指令)和基于扁平化的方法,探索了稀疏矩阵矢量乘积和Bames-Hut n体算法的嵌套数据并行实现。版本的这些算法,并在SGI Origin 2000和NEC SX-4(两台共享内存的计算机)上评估其性能。



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