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Flexible IDL compilation for complex communication patterns


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Distributed applications are complex by nature, so it is essen- tial that there be effective software development tools to aid in the construction of these programs. Commonplace ``mid- dleware'' tools, however, often impose a tradeoff between programmer productivity and application performance. For instance, many CORBA IDL compilers generate code that is too slow for high-performance systems. More importantly, these compilers provide inadequate support for sophisticated patterns of communication. We believe that these problems can be overcome, thus making IDL compilers and similar middleware tools useful for a broader range of systems. To this end we have implemented Flick, a flexible and op- timizing IDL compiler, and are using it to produce special- ized high-performance code for complex distributed applica- tions. Flick can produce specially ``decomposed'' stubs that encapsulate different aspects of communication in separate functions, thus providing application programmers with fine- grain control over all messages. The design of our decom- posed stubs was inspired by the requirements of a particu- lar distributed application called Khazana, and in this paper we describe our experience to date in refitting Khazana with Flick-generated stubs. We believe that the special IDL com- pilation techniques developed for Khazana will be useful in other applications with similar communication requirements.
机译:分布式应用程序本质上很复杂,因此,必须有有效的软件开发工具来帮助构建这些程序。但是,普通的``中间件''工具通常会在程序员的生产力和应用程序性能之间进行折衷。例如,许多CORBA IDL编译器生成的代码对于高性能系统来说太慢了。更重要的是,这些编译器没有为复杂的通信模式提供足够的支持。我们相信可以克服这些问题,从而使IDL编译器和类似的中间件工具可用于更广泛的系统。为此,我们实现了Flick,这是一种灵活且优化的IDL编译器,并正在使用它来生成用于复杂的分布式应用程序的专用高性能代码。 Flick可以生成专门的``分解''存根,将存根在不同功能中的通信的各个方面封装起来,从而为应用程序程序员提供对所有消息的精细控制。分解后的存根的设计受到称为Khazana的特定分布式应用程序的需求的启发,在本文中,我们描述了迄今为止用Flick生成的存根对Khazana进行改装的经验。我们认为,为Khazana开发的特殊IDL编译技术将在具有类似通信要求的其他应用程序中使用。



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