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Automatic choice of scheduling heuristics for parallel/distributed computing


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Task mapping and scheduling are two very difficult prob- lems that must be addressed when a sequential program is transformed into a parallel program. Since these problems are NP-hard, compiler writers have opted to concentrate their efforts on optimizations that produce immediate gains in per- formance. As a result, current parallelizing compilers either use very simple methods to deal with task scheduling or they simply ignore it altogether Unfortunately, the programmer does not have this luxury. The burden of repartitioning or rescheduling, should the compiler produce inefficient paral- lel code, lies entirely with the programmer We were able to create an algorithm (called a meta- heuristic), which automatically chooses a scheduling heuris- tic for each input program. The metaheuristic produces bet- ter schedules in general than the heuristics upon which it is based. This technique was tested on a suite of real scien- tific programs written in SISAL and simulated on four dif ferent network configurations. Averaged over all of the test cases, the metaheuristic out-performed all eight underlying scheduling algorithms, beating the best one by 2, 12, l3, and 3 on the four separate network configurations. It is able to do this, not always by picking the best heuristic, but rather by avoiding the heuristics when they would produce very poor schedules. For example, while the metaheuristic only picked the best algorithm about 50 of the time for the 100 Gbps Ethernet, its worst decision was only 49 away from optimal. In contrast, the best of the eight scheduling al- gorithm
机译:任务映射和调度是将顺序程序转换为并行程序时必须解决的两个非常困难的问题。由于这些问题都是NP难题,因此编译器作者选择将精力集中在可以立即获得性能收益的优化上。结果,当前的并行化编译器要么使用非常简单的方法来处理任务调度,要么就完全忽略了它。不幸的是,程序员没有这种奢侈。如果编译器产生效率低下的并行代码,则重新分区或重新计划的负担完全由程序员承担。我们能够创建一种算法(称为元启发式),该算法会自动为每个输入程序选择一个调度启发式算法。一般而言,元启发式方法比基于其的启发式方法产生更好的时间表。这项技术在用SISAL编写的一组实际科学程序上进行了测试,并在四种不同的网络配置上进行了仿真。在所有测试案例中平均得出的结果,元启发式算法的性能优于所有八种基础调度算法,在四个独立的网络配置上以2、12,l3和3的最佳算法优于最佳算法。它能够做到这一点,而不总是选择最佳的启发式方法,而是避免在启发式方法产生非常糟糕的时间表时避免使用启发式方法。例如,对于100 Gbps以太网,元启发式算法仅选择了大约50种时间中的最佳算法,但其最差的决策距离最佳算法只有49个。相比之下,八种调度算法中最好的一种



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