首页> 外文期刊>Scientific programming >Automatic migration from PARMACS to MPI in pstsllrl Fortran applications

Automatic migration from PARMACS to MPI in pstsllrl Fortran applications

机译:在pstsllrl Fortran应用程序中从PARMACS自动迁移到MPI

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The PARMACS message passing interface has been in widespread use by application projects, especially in Eu- rope. With the new MPI standard for message passing, many projects face the problem of replacing PARMACS with MPI. An automatic translation tool has been developed which re- places all PARMACS 6.0 calls in an application program with their corresponding MPI calls. In this paper we describe the mapping of the PARMACS programming model onto MPI. We then present some implementation details of the converter tool.
机译:PARMACS消息传递接口已被应用程序项目广泛使用,尤其是在欧洲。使用用于消息传递的新MPI标准,许多项目面临着用MPI替换PARMACS的问题。已经开发了一种自动翻译工具,该工具可以将应用程序中的所有PARMACS 6.0调用替换为其相应的MPI调用。在本文中,我们描述了PARMACS编程模型到MPI的映射。然后,我们介绍转换器工具的一些实现细节。



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