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Fate of the antiretroviral drug tenofovir in agricultural soil


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Tenofovir (9-(R)-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)-adenine) is an antiretroviral drug widely used for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections. Tenofovir is extensively and rapidly excreted unchanged in the urine. In the expectation that tenofovir could potentially reach agricultural lands through the application of municipal biosolids or wastewater, and in the absence of any environmental fate data, we evaluated its persistence in selected agricultural soils. Less than 10% of [adenine-8-~(14)C]-tenofovir added to soils varying widely in texture (sand, loam, clay loam) was mineralized in a 2-month incubation under laboratory conditions. Tenofovir was less readily extractable from clay soils than from a loam or a sandy loam soil. Radioactive residues of tenofovir were removed from the soil extractable fraction with DT_(50s) ranging from 24± 2 to 67 + 22 days (first order kinetic model) or 44 + 9 to 127+55 days (zero order model). No extractable transformation products were detectable by HPLC. Tenofovir mineralization in the loam soil increased with temperature (range 4 ℃ to 30 ℃), and did not occur in autoclaved soil, suggesting a microbial basis. Mineralization rates increased with soil moisture content, ranging from air-dried to saturated. In summary, tenofovir was relatively persistent in soils, there were no extractable transformation products detected, and the response of [adenine-8-~(14)C]-tenofovir mineralization to soil temperature and heat sterilization indicated that the molecule was biodegraded by aerobic microorganisms. Sorption isotherms with dewatered biosolids suggested that tenofovir residues could potentially partition into the paniculate fraction during sewage treatment.
机译:替诺福韦(9-(R)-(2-膦酰基甲氧基丙基)-腺嘌呤)是一种抗逆转录病毒药物,广泛用于治疗人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)和乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染。替诺福韦在尿液中广泛而迅速地排泄。期望替诺福韦可以通过应用市政生物固体或废水而潜在地到达农业用地,并且在没有任何环境命运数据的情况下,我们评估了它在某些农业土壤中的持久性。在实验室条件下培养2个月后,少于10%的[腺嘌呤-8-〜(14)C]-替诺福韦被添加到质地差异很大的土壤(沙,壤土,黏土壤土)中。替诺福韦不易从黏土中提取,而不是从壤土或沙质壤土中提取。用DT_(50s)从24±2至67 + 22天(一级动力学模型)或44 + 9至127 + 55天(零级模型)范围内的土壤可萃取级分中除去替诺福韦的放射性残留。 HPLC检测不到可提取的转化产物。壤土中的替诺福韦矿化度随温度的升高而升高(范围为4℃至30℃),而在高压灭菌的土壤中没有发生,表明其具有微生物基础。矿化率随土壤水分的增加而增加,范围从风干到饱和。总之,替诺福韦在土壤中相对持久,没有检测到可提取的转化产物,[腺嘌呤-8-〜(14)C]-替诺福韦矿化对土壤温度和热灭菌的响应表明该分子被好氧生物降解。微生物。用脱水的生物固体进行的吸附等温线表明,替诺福韦残留物可能在污水处理过程中分配到颗粒部分中。



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