首页> 外文期刊>Science of the total environment >Impacts of flow regulation on freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) habitat in a Scottish montane river

Impacts of flow regulation on freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) habitat in a Scottish montane river

机译:流量调节对苏格兰山地河淡水珍珠贻贝(Margaritifera margaritifera)生境的影响

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The River Moriston in NW Scotland is a cobble-gravel bedded river that has been dammed and regulated for hydroelectric power (HEP) since 1956. The river supports a functional population of the critically endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in the lower part. In contrast the population in the upper reach is sparse and shows no signs of juvenile recruitment, leading to speculation that hydrological and geomorphic changes associated with HEP have degraded the habitat they depend on. A combination of historical analysis, field mapping and geomorphic survey of channel and active bar sites was used to assess habitat changes and current quality. During the post-dam period, the naturally stability of much of the channel has increased, active bars have been stabilised through vegetation colonisation, riparian tree cover has increased and the active channel width has significantly reduced locally (>50%); adjustments that are indicative of a reduction in the incidence of competent flows caused by flow regulation. However area and stability of habitat for freshwater pearl mussels have not been reduced greatly. The channel sites examined are characterised by mixed cobble-gravel substrates (D_(50) range = 46-188 mm), predicted to be highly stable, that provide suitable habitat for adult freshwater pearl mussels. However a degree of bed compaction at one site was observed that could be limiting the recruitment of juvenile mussels. It is hypothesised that the sparse, non-functional status of the freshwater pearl mussel population reflects significant historical pearl fishing and the limitation of recovery due to HEP related pressures of fish migration obstruction and bed compaction. The implications of these factors for conservation of the species are discussed.
机译:苏格兰西北部的莫里斯顿河(River Moriston)是一条铺有鹅卵石的河床,自1956年以来就已对其进行水坝和水力发电(HEP)的监管。这条河的下部支撑着濒临灭绝的淡水珍珠贻贝(Margaritifera margaritifera)的功能种群。相反,上游地区的人口稀少,没有少年招募的迹象,导致人们推测与HEP相关的水文和地貌变化使他们所依赖的生境退化了。结合历史分析,野外测绘以及航道和活动酒吧站点的地貌调查,评估了生境的变化和当前的质量。在大坝后时期,大部分河道的自然稳定性提高了,通过植被定殖使活动的条形稳定,河岸树木的覆盖增加了,有效的河道宽度局部减小(> 50%);表示由流量调节引起的有效流量发生率降低的调整。然而,淡水珍珠贻贝的栖息地面积和稳定性并未大大降低。所检查的通道部位以混合卵石-砾石基质(D_(50)范围= 46-188 mm)为特征,预计是高度稳定的,可为成年淡水珍珠贻贝提供合适的栖息地。然而,在一个地点观察到一定程度的床压实,这可能限制了贻贝的募集。假设淡水珍珠贻贝种群的稀疏,无功能状态反映了重要的历史珍珠捕捞活动以及由于鱼类繁殖障碍和河床压实造成的与HEP相关的压力而限制了恢复。讨论了这些因素对物种保护的意义。



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