首页> 外文期刊>The Science of the Total Environment >Long-term changes in greenhouse gas emissions from French agriculture and livestock (1852-2014): From traditional agriculture to conventional intensive systems

Long-term changes in greenhouse gas emissions from French agriculture and livestock (1852-2014): From traditional agriculture to conventional intensive systems


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France was a traditionally agricultural country until the first half of the 20th century. Today, it is the first European cereal producer, with cereal crops accounting for 40% of the agricultural surface area used, and is also a major country for livestock breeding with 25% of the European cattle livestock. This major socioecological transition, with rapid intensification and specialisation in an open global market, has been accompanied by deep environmental changes. To explore the changes in agricultural GHG emissions over the long term(1852-2014), we analysed the emission factors of N2O from field experiments covering major land uses, in a gradient of fertilisation and within a range of temperature and rainfall, and used CH4 emission coefficients for livestock categories, in terms of enteric and manure management, considering the historical changes in animal excretion rates. We also estimated indirect CO2 emissions, rarely accounted for in agricultural emissions, using coefficients found in the literature for the dominant energy consumption items (fertiliser production, field work and machinery, and feed import). From GHG emissions of similar to 30,000 ktons CO2 Eq yr(-1) in 1852, reaching 54,000 ktons CO2 Eq yr(-1) in 1955, emissions more than doubled during the 'Glorious thirties' (1950-1980), and peaked around 120,000 ktons CO2 Eq yr(-1) in the early 2000s. For the 2010-2014 period, French agriculture GHG emissions stabilised at similar to 114,000 ktons CO2 Eq yr(-1), distributed into 49% methane (CH4), 22% carbon dioxide (CO2) and 29% nitrous oxide (N2O). A regional approach through 33 regions in France shows a diversity of agriculture reflecting the hydro-ecoregion distribution and the agricultural specialisation of local areas. Exploring contrasting scenarios at the 2040 horizon suggests that only deep changes in the structure of the agro-food system would double the reduction of GHG emissions by the agricultural sector. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:直到20世纪上半叶,法国还是一个传统的农业大国。如今,它已成为欧洲第一谷类食品生产国,谷类作物占农业表面积的40%,并且还是牲畜育种的主要国家,占欧洲牲畜的25%。在开放的全球市场中,伴随着快速集约化和专业化的这一重大社会生态转型,伴随着深刻的环境变化。为了探讨农业温室气体排放的长期变化(1852-2014年),我们通过覆盖主要土地用途,施肥梯度以及温度和降雨范围内的田间试验,分析了N2O的排放因子,并使用了CH4考虑到动物排泄率的历史变化,在肠道和粪便管理方面,牲畜类别的排放系数。我们还使用文献中发现的主要能源消耗项目(化肥生产,田间作业和机械以及饲料进口)的系数,估算了间接二氧化碳排放量,该排放量很少在农业排放量中占到比重。从1852年约30,000吨二氧化碳当量(-1)的温室气体排放量到1955年达到54,000吨二氧化碳当量(-1)的排放量,在“光荣的三十年代”(1950-1980年)期间,排放量翻了一番以上,并达到峰值2000年代初,CO 2 Eq yr(-1)达到12万吨。在2010年至2014年期间,法国农业温室气体排放稳定在114,000吨二氧化碳当量年(-1)左右,分布在49%的甲烷(CH4),22%的二氧化碳(CO2)和29%的一氧化二氮(N2O)中。在法国的33个地区采取的区域方法显示出农业的多样性,反映了水生态区域的分布和当地农业的专业化。探索2040年的对比情景表明,只有农业食品系统结构的深刻变化才能使农业部门减少的温室气体排放量增加一倍。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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