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Graph transformation for specification and programming




The framework of graph transformation combines the potentials and advantages of both, graphs and rules, to a single computational paradigm. In this paper we present some recent developments in applying graph transformation as a rule-based framework for the specification and development of systems, languages, and tools. After reviewing the basic features of graph transformation, we discuss a selection of applications, including the evaluation of functional expressions, the speci- fication of an interactive graphical tool, an example specification for abstract data types, and the definition of a visual database query language. The case studies indicate the need for suitable structuring principles which are independent of a particular graph transformation approach. To this end, we present the concept of a transformation unit, which allows systematic and structured specification and programming based on graph transformation.
机译:图转换的框架将图和规则的潜力和优势结合在一起,形成一个单一的计算范式。在本文中,我们介绍了将图形转换应用为基于规则的框架来规范和开发系统,语言和工具的最新进展。在回顾了图形转换的基本特征之后,我们讨论了一些应用程序的选择,包括功能表达式的评估,交互式图形工具的规范,抽象数据类型的示例规范以及可视化数据库查询语言的定义。 。案例研究表明需要独立于特定图形转换方法的合适结构原理。为此,我们提出了转换单元的概念,该单元允许基于图转换的系统化和结构化的规范和编程。



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