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Undulant-block elimination and integer-preserving matrix inversion




A new formulation for LU decomposition allows efficient representation of intermediate ma- trices while eliminating blocks of various sizes, i.e. during "undulant-block" elimination. Its efficiency arises from its design for block encapsulization, implicit in data structures that are convenient both for process scheduling and for memory management. Row/column permuta- tions that can destroy such encapsulizations are deferred. Its algorithms, expressed naturally as functional programs, are well suited to parallel and distributed processing. A given matrix A is decomposed into two matrices (in the space of just one), plus two permutations. The permutations, P and Q, are the row/column rearrangements usual to complete pivoting. The principal results are L and U', where L is properly lower quasi-triangular, U' is upper quasi-triangular with its quasi-diagonal being the inverse of that of U from the usual factorization (PAQ = (I -- L)U), and its proper upper portion identical to U. The matrix result is L + U'. Algorithms for solving linear systems and matrix inversion follow directly. An example of a motivating data structure, the quadtree representation for matrices, is re- viewed. Candidate pivots for Gaussian elimination under that smicture are the subtrees, both constraining and assisting the pivot search, as well as decomposing to independent block/tree operations. The elementary algorithms are provided, coded in HASKELL. Finally, an integer-preserving version is presented replacing Bareiss's algorithm with a parallel equivalent. The decomposition of an integer matrix A to
机译:用于LU分解的新公式允许在消除各种大小的块的同时(即在“多余块”消除过程中)高效地表示中间矩阵。它的效率源于其针对块封装的设计,该设计隐含在方便进行过程调度和内存管理的数据结构中。可能破坏这种封装的行/列排列被推迟。它的算法自然表达为功能程序,非常适合并行和分布式处理。给定的矩阵A分解为两个矩阵(仅一个空间),外加两个置换。排列P和Q是完成枢转通常需要的行/列重排。主要结果是L和U',其中L是适当的下准三角,U'是上准三角,其准对角线是通常分解时U的逆对角(PAQ =(I-L) U),其适当的上部与U相同。矩阵结果为L + U'。直接求解线性系统和矩阵求逆的算法。回顾了激励数据结构的一个示例,即矩阵的四叉树表示。在该贴图下用于高斯消去的候选枢轴是子树,既约束和辅助枢轴搜索,又分解为独立的块/树操作。提供了基本算法,并用HASKELL编码。最后,提出了一个保留整数的版本,用并行等效项替换Bareiss算法。整数矩阵A的分解为



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