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The Laboratorization of Schools: Laboratory Metaphors in Twenty-first Century US Education


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In twenty-first century US education, laboratory metaphors are used to frame school governance and classroom practices. To explore how non-laboratory and non-traditional laboratory settings are framed as sites for experimentation, science and technology studies (STS) has two parallel trajectories for conceptualizing the laboratorization of society: the literal implantation of laboratories into physical locations and the metaphorical application that looks at the world as if it were a laboratory, that is from a 'laboratory perspective'. Concerning the latter, the laboratory perspective offers STS ways to study: (1) how laboratory metaphors frame social and cultural understandings of scientific knowledge production; (2) the work laboratory metaphors do when used to describe non-laboratory settings. Fieldwork in two classrooms reveals how laboratory metaphors reproduce different but coexisting images of scientific knowledge production. There is an ideal image of laboratories as orderly, with a controlled amount of outside influence. This image frames schools as places with which to experiment from the top-down. There is a more empirical image of laboratories as socially and culturally structured. This image frames schools as places to conduct experiments from the bottom-up. Though each framing positions teachers and students differently, both are useful for characterizing the dynamics of US education.
机译:在二十一世纪的美国教育中,实验室隐喻用于框架学校治理和课堂习惯。为了探讨非实验室和非传统实验室设置如何框架作为实验,科学和技术研究(STS)有两个平行轨迹,用于概念化社会的实验室:实验室植入物理位置的文字植入和隐喻应用看着世界,就像它是一个实验室,那就是“实验室视角”。关于后者,实验室的观点提供了学习的STS方法:(1)实验室隐喻框架框架社会和文化理解科学知识生产; (2)工作实验室隐喻在用来描述非实验室环境时。两所教室的实地工作揭示了实验室隐喻如何重现不同而且共存的科学知识生产。有一个有序的实验室的理想形象,具有受控的外部影响力。这款图片框架学校作为从自上而下进行实验的地方。在社会和文化上结构的实验室有更为核实的形象。这张图片框架学校作为从自下而上进行实验的地方。虽然每个框架的师父和学生都不同,但两者都非常有用,可用于表征美国教育的动态。



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