首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia Bulletin >Risk and Protection in Prodromal Schizophrenia: Ethical Implications for Clinical Practice and Future Research

Risk and Protection in Prodromal Schizophrenia: Ethical Implications for Clinical Practice and Future Research


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Over the last decade schizophrenia researchers have turned their attention to earlier identification in the prodromal period of illness. A greater understanding of both risk and protective factors can lead to improved prevention and treatment strategies in this vulnerable population. This research, however, has far-reaching ethical implications. One year follow-up data from 50 individuals who met established criteria for a prodromal state is used to illustrate ethical issues that directly affect clinicians and future research strategies. At 1-year follow-up, the psychotic transition rate was 13%, but it increased in subsequent years with smaller sample sizes. One-half developed an affective psychosis. The converted sample was older (p > 0.05) than the nonconverted sample and more likely to have a premorbid history of substance abuse, as well as higher clinical ratings on “subsyndromal” psychotic items (delusional thinking, suspiciousness, and thought disorder). Despite a lack of conversion, the nonconverted sample remained symptomatic and had a high rate of affective and anxiety disorders with evidence of functional disability. This conversion rate is relatively low compared to similar studies at 1 year. Specific risk factors were identified, but these findings need to be replicated in a larger cohort. By examining the rate of conversion and nonconversion in this sample as an example, we hope to contribute to the discussion of implications for clinical practice and the direction of future research in the schizophrenia prodrome. Finally, our data strengthen the evidence base available to inform the discussion of ethical issues relevant to this important research area.
机译:在过去的十年中,精神分裂症研究人员已将注意力转向疾病前驱期的早期识别。对风险和保护因素的更深入了解可以改善这一脆弱人群的预防和治疗策略。但是,这项研究具有深远的伦理意义。来自50个符合前驱状态标准的个人的一年随访数据用于说明直接影响临床医生和未来研究策略的伦理问题。在1年的随访中,精神病性转移率为13%,但在随后的几年中随着样本量的减少而增加。一半的人患有情感性精神病。转换后的样本比未转换的样本年龄大(p> 0.05),并且更有可能具有滥用药物的病前病史,并且对“亚综合征”精神病项目(妄想,可疑和思想障碍)的临床评价更高。尽管缺乏转化,但未转化的样本仍保持症状,并且情感和焦虑症的发生率很高,并伴有功能障碍。与1年的同类研究相比,该转化率相对较低。确定了特定的危险因素,但这些发现需要在更大的队列中重复。通过以样本中的转化率和非转化率为例,我们希望为精神分裂症患者的临床实践和未来研究方向的讨论做出贡献。最后,我们的数据加强了可用的证据基础,可为有关这一重要研究领域的伦理问题的讨论提供信息。



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