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A UK Audit of Screening for the Metabolic Side Effects of Antipsychotics in Community Patients


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Reviews of the association between psychotic disorder, the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and antipsychotic drugs conclude that there is a need for active, routine physical health screening of patients' prescribed antipsychotic drugs. From published guidelines, we derived the audit standard that all such patients should, as a minimum, have their blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) (or other measure of obesity such as waist circumference), blood glucose (or HbA1c), and plasma lipids measured at least once a year. We conducted an audit of the clinical records of 1966 eligible patients under the care of 48 multidisciplinary, assertive outreach clinical teams in 21 mental health services across the United Kingdom. This revealed a recorded measurement within the previous year for blood pressure in 26% of the patients, obesity in 17%, blood glucose (or HbA1c) in 28% and plasma lipids in 22%, with all 4 measures documented in 11%. In the total national sample, 6% had a documented diagnosis of diabetes, 6% hypertension, and 6% dyslipidemia. Extrapolating from the prevalence of these disorders in similar populations suggests that for every patient with a known diagnosis of diabetes, another had not been recognized, for every known case of hypertension, 4 had been missed, and for every known case of dyslipidemia, 7 had been missed. The responses of the clinical teams to a questionnaire yielded information on obstacles to screening in routine practice, revealing uncertainty about whose responsibility this was, a lack of confidence about the interpretation of abnormal screening results, and limited access to basic equipment.
机译:对精神病,代谢综合征,糖尿病和抗精神病药之间的关联的评论得出结论,需要对患者处方的抗精神病药进行积极,常规的身体健康检查。从已发布的指南中,我们得出了以下审计标准:所有此类患者至少应具有血压,体重指数(BMI)(或其他肥胖测量指标,例如腰围),血糖(或HbA 1c ),并且每年至少测量一次血脂。我们在英国21个精神卫生服务机构的48个自信的外展临床团队的护理下,对1966名合格患者的临床记录进行了审核。结果显示,在去年的记录中,有26%的患者血压,17%的肥胖症,28%的血糖(或HbA 1c )和22%的血浆脂质记录了测量结果,记录在案的4项措施占11%。在全国总样本中,有6%的人确诊为糖尿病,6%的高血压和6%的血脂异常。从这些疾病在相似人群中的患病率推断,这表明,对于每一个已知的糖尿病诊断患者,均未认识到另一位患者;对于每一个已知的高血压病例,漏诊了4例;对于每一个已知的血脂异常病例,漏诊了7例被错过了。临床团队对调查表的答复提供了有关常规实践中筛查障碍的信息,揭示了这是谁的责任的不确定性,对异常筛查结果的解释缺乏信心以及使用基本设备的机会有限。



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