首页> 外文期刊>SAM advanced management journal >Creating a Sustainable Approach to Change: Building Organizational Change Capacity

Creating a Sustainable Approach to Change: Building Organizational Change Capacity


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IntroductionrnA basic reality of the 21st century is that organizations and managements are faced with unrelenting demands for change. Companies in every industry are increasingly challenged to both respond to and anticipate continuously changing competitive, market, technological, economic, and social conditions to the point where change is described as the "new normal" (J0rgensen, Owen, and Neus, 2008). Yet, despite this and a virtual explosion of research and managerial attention devoted to conceptualizing and empirically testing a range of change management practices (cf. Abrahamson, 2000; Armenakis and Harris, 2002, 2009; Beer, Eisenstat and Spector, 1990; de Caluwe and Vermaak, 2002; Higgs and Rowland, 2005; Kerber and Buono, 2005; King and Wright, 2007; Kotter, 1996; Kotter and Cohen, 2002), successful organizational change often remains elusive. A global business study by McKinsey underscores this problem, noting that only one-third of organizational change initiatives were viewed as successful by their leaders (Meaney and Pung, 2008). As a recent IBM white paper study suggests, the "change gap" (i.e., the gap between an organization's expectation of change and its history of successfully managing it) has increased significantly over the past few years (see J0rgensen, et al, 2008).
机译:简介21世纪的基本现实是组织和管理层面对不断变化的不懈需求。每个行业的公司都面临越来越大的挑战,他们既要应对和预期不断变化的竞争,市场,技术,经济和社会条件,又要把变化描述为“新常态”(J0rgensen,Owen和Neus,2008年)。然而,尽管如此,并且致力于对一系列变更管理实践进行概念化和实证测试的研究和管理关注已出现了爆炸式的增长(参见Abrahamson,2000; Armenakis和Harris,2002,2009; Beer,Eisenstat和Spector,1990; de Caluwe ; Vermaak,2002; Higgs和Rowland,2005; Kerber和Buono,2005; King和Wright,2007; Kotter,1996; Kotter和Cohen,2002),成功的组织变革通常仍然难以捉摸。麦肯锡(McKinsey)进行的一项全球商业研究强调了这个问题,并指出,只有三分之一的组织变革计划被其领导人视为成功的(Meaney and Pung,2008)。正如IBM最近的一项白皮书研究表明的那样,“变化差距”(即组织对变化的期望与其成功管理历史之间的差距)在过去几年中已显着增加(请参阅J0rgensen等,2008)。 。



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