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Student Beliefs and Attitudes about Business: Shaping the Views of First-Year Business Students-A Preliminary Study


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Although business majors account for over 20% of all bachelor's degrees in the U.S., "business" has a somewhat tarnished reputation in our society today. Are undergraduates making a cynical or materialistic choice? Could a positive orientation program focusing on "conscious capitalism " change attitudes and improve ethical conduct in future business careers? Based on surveys before and after an orientation stressing the responsibility of a business toward all its stakeholders (not just shareholders), the answer seems to be "yes." Students respond positively to the concept that a business should care about much more than maximizing profits and agree that, "... if practiced ethically, business can be a noble undertaking."
机译:尽管商科专业占美国所有学士学位的20%以上,但“商科”在当今社会中的声誉有些受损。大学生是愤世嫉俗还是唯物主义选择?以“有意识的资本主义”为重点的积极方向培训计划是否可以改变态度并改善未来商业职业的道德操守?根据定向前后强调企业对所有利益相关者(不仅仅是股东)的责任的调查,答案似乎是肯定的。学生们对企业应该关心的不仅仅是利润最大化的看法做出了积极的回应,并同意:“ ...如果遵守道德规范,企业可以是一项崇高的事业。”



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