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The Impact of Customer Motivation on the Customer-Salesperson Relationship


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Due to its relevance in profit generation, practitioners and academics alike have dedicated years of thoughtful effort to answering questions most relevant to the practice of professional selling and sales-centric organizations (Spiro and Perreault, 1979; Frazier and Summers, 1984). One example of such work is the inquiry into the role that influence tactics play in the customer-salesperson relationship (Kholi and Zaltman, 1988; McFarland, Challagalla, and Shervani, 2006). Spiro and Perreault (1979) suggest that "the concept of influence implies an effort to move the attitudes or behavior of a target person (the customer) in a pre-specified direction." As a result, an important task salespeople face is convincing prospects that a certain product or service is suited, above all others, to the needs of the buying firm. An antecedent to influencing buyers in this way is a strong customer-salesperson relationship.
机译:由于它与创造利润有关,从业者和学者都付出了多年的沉思努力来回答与专业销售和以销售为中心的组织的实践最相关的问题(Spiro和Perreault,1979; Frazier和Summers,1984)。这类工作的一个例子是对影响策略在客户与销售人员关系中所起的作用的研究(Kholi和Zaltman,1988; McFarland,Challagalla和Shervani,2006)。 Spiro和Perreault(1979)提出“影响的概念意味着要朝预定的方向改变目标人(客户)的态度或行为。”结果,销售人员面临的一项重要任务就是说服前景,即某种产品或服务首先要比购买公司的需求更适合。建立这种强大的客户与销售人员关系是影响买家的先决条件。



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