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The Integration of Marketing Concepts in Strategic-Management Courses: An Empirical Analysis


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In the past decade, there has been much discussion about the usefulness of business education (Terjesen and Politis, 2015; Ungaretti et al., 2015; Jarzabkowski and Kaplan, 2015). Although widely expected to improve the practice of business, business courses often fall short in fulfilling their role of providing students with marketable skills (Ghoshal, 2005; Mintzberg, 2004). One factor contributing to this issue is that many business courses direct (or bias) students to single disciplinary solutions. For example, students in marketing courses generally solve marketing problems without much or any regard to finance, management, accounting, or management information systems considerations (Johnson and Werner, 1975). Although the capstone strategic-management course is inherently or supposedly interdisciplinary, we examine the extent that marketing is integrated in that course (Terjesen and Politis, 2015). Specifically, this paper reveals 1) particular topics in marketing that are deemed to be most important in strategic planning or case analysis, and 2) the extent of coverage of these particular marketing topics in strategic-management textbooks. Implications for business pedagogy, curricula, theory, assurance of learning, and research are also discussed.
机译:在过去的十年中,关于商业教育的实用性的讨论很多(Terjesen和Politis,2015; Ungaretti等,2015; Jarzabkowski和Kaplan,2015)。尽管人们普遍期望商业课程能够改善商业实践,但商业课程往往在履行其为学生提供适销对路的技能方面起不到作用(Ghoshal,2005; Mintzberg,2004)。导致此问题的一个因素是,许多商务课程将学生引导(或偏向)单一的学科解决方案。例如,在市场营销课程中的学生通常解决市场营销问题时几乎不考虑财务,管理,会计或管理信息系统(Johnson and Werner,1975)。尽管基本战略管理课程是固有的或假设是跨学科的,但我们研究了营销在该课程中的整合程度(Terjesen和Politis,2015)。具体而言,本文揭示了1)在战略规划或案例分析中被认为最重要的营销特定主题,以及2)战略管理教科书中这些特定营销主题的覆盖范围。还讨论了对商业教学法,课程,理论,学习保证和研究的意义。



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