首页> 外文期刊>Rethinking Marxism >Use Beyond Value: Giorgio Agamben and a Critique of Capitalism

Use Beyond Value: Giorgio Agamben and a Critique of Capitalism

机译:超越价值使用:乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)和对资本主义的批判

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Interest in Giorgio Agamben's work is related to concerns about law in the aftermath of September 11 and the global war on terror. This article redirects the critical engagement with Agamben by exploring his relevance for understanding the politics of inclusion and abandonment in capitalist economies. Taking accounts of abandonment in the global economy as a provocation, I offer a rereading of Agamben that makes visible the specificity of capitalism as a mode for establishing and transgressing the border between proper and abandoned lives. Such a reading is already operative in Agamben's work, specifically in his engagement with Walter Benjamin and Guy Debord and his assertion that the exception has become the norm in spectacular societies. Recognizing this relationship requires qualification of Agamben's claim of an originary link between sovereign power and bare life, and allows us to reconsider the usefulness of his thought for a critique of political economy.
机译:对乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)的工作的兴趣与9月11日以及全球反恐战争之后对法律的担忧有关。本文通过探讨阿甘本对理解资本主义经济中的包容性和放弃政治的相关性,重新引导了与阿甘本的批判接触。考虑到全球经济中的遗弃是一种挑衅,我提供了对阿甘本的重新解读,这使资本主义的特殊性可见,它是建立和超越适当生活与被抛弃生活之间边界的一种方式。这样的解读已经在阿甘本的著作中发挥了作用,特别是在他与沃尔特·本杰明和盖伊·德博尔德的交往中,以及他断言例外已成为壮观社会中的常态的断言。要认识到这种关系,就必须对阿甘本主张主权权力与裸露生活之间存在原始联系的主张进行限定,并允许我们重新考虑他的思想对政治经济学进行批判的有用性。



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