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Results and Implications of a 12-Year Longitudinal Study of Science Concept Learning


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This paper describes the methods and outcomes of a 12-year longitudinal study into the effects of an early intervention program, while reflecting back on changes that have occurred in approaches to research, learning and instruction since the preliminary inception stages of the study in the mid 1960s. We began the study to challenge the prevailing consensus at the time that primary school children were either preoperational or concrete operational in their cognitive development and they could not learn abstract concepts. Our early research, based on Ausubelian theory, suggested otherwise. The paper describes the development and implementation of a Grade 1–2 audio tutorial science instructional sequence, and the subsequent tracing over 12 years, of the children’s conceptual understandings in science compared to a matched control group. During the study the concept map was developed as a new tool to trace children’s conceptual development. We found that students in the instruction group far outperformed their non-instructed counterparts, and this difference increased as they progressed through middle and high school. The data clearly support the earlier introduction of science instruction on basic science concepts, such as the particulate nature of matter, energy and energy transformations. The data suggest that national curriculum standards for science grossly underestimate the learning capabilities of primary-grade children. The study has helped to lay a foundation for guided instruction using computers and concept mapping that may help both teachers and students become more proficient in understanding science.
机译:本文描述了一项为期12年的纵向研究的方法和成果,以探讨早期干预计划的效果,同时回顾了自研究中期开始以来研究,学习和指导方法所发生的变化。 1960年代。我们开始这项研究是为了挑战当时的共识,即小学生在认知发展方面要么是术前操作,要么是具体操作,他们无法学习抽象概念。我们基于澳大利亚理论的早期研究则相反。这篇论文描述了与配对对照组相比,1-2年级音频教程科学教学序列的开发和实施,以及随后12年中对儿童对科学的概念理解的追踪。在研究期间,概念图被开发为追踪儿童概念发展的新工具。我们发现,教学小组的学生表现远远好于非教学小组的学生,随着中学和高中阶段的发展,这种差异越来越大。数据清楚地支持了较早引入有关基础科学概念的科学指导,例如物质的颗粒性质,能量和能量转换。数据表明,国家科学课程标准严重低估了小学儿童的学习能力。这项研究帮助使用计算机和概念图为指导教学奠定了基础,这可以帮助师生更加熟练地理解科学。



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