首页> 外文期刊>Research in Science Education >Conceptualizing Magnification and Scale: The Roles of Spatial Visualization and Logical Thinking

Conceptualizing Magnification and Scale: The Roles of Spatial Visualization and Logical Thinking


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This study explored factors that contribute to students’ concepts of magnification and scale. Spatial visualization, logical thinking, and concepts of magnification and scale were measured for 46 middle school students. Scores on the Zoom Assessment (an assessment of knowledge of magnification and scale) were correlated with the Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT) and a series of four spatial visualization tests. Results showed that the TOLT was significantly correlated with the Zoom Assessment. There was also a significant correlation between the TOLT and spatial visualization assessments MV1 (Shape Memory), MV2 (Building Memory), the Storage Test, and the Surface Development Test. The implications of this study for further research are discussed.
机译:这项研究探索了有助于学生的放大倍数和比例尺概念的因素。对46名中学生进行了空间可视化,逻辑思维以及放大倍数和比例尺的测量。缩放评估(对放大倍数和比例尺知识的评估)的分数与逻辑思维测验(TOLT)和一系列四个空间可视化测验相关。结果表明,TORT与缩放评估显着相关。 TOLT与空间可视化评估MV1(形状记忆),MV2(建筑物记忆),存储测试和表面开发测试之间也存在显着相关性。讨论了这项研究对进一步研究的意义。



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