首页> 外文期刊>Research in Science Education >Indigenous Elementary Students’ Science Instruction in Taiwan: Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science

Indigenous Elementary Students’ Science Instruction in Taiwan: Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science


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This preliminary ethnographic investigation focused on how Indigenous traditional wisdom can be incorporated into school science and what students learned as a result. Participants included community elders and knowledge keepers, as well as 4th grade (10-year-old) students, all of Amis ancestry, an Indigenous tribe in Taiwan. The students’ non-Indigenous teacher played a central role in developing a science module ‘Measuring Time’ that combined Amis knowledge and Western science knowledge. The study identified two cultural worldview perspectives on time; for example, the place-based cyclical time held by the Amis, and the universal rectilinear time presupposed by scientists. Students’ pre-instructional fragmented concepts from both knowledge systems became more informed and refined through their engagement in ‘Measuring Time’. Students’ increased interest and pride in their Amis culture were noted.



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