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The Challenges of Science Inquiry Teaching for Pre-Service Teachers in Elementary Classrooms: Difficulties on and under the Scene


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In the context of the emphasis on inquiry teaching in science education, this study looks into how pre-service elementary teachers understand and practise science inquiry teaching during field experience. By examining inquiry lesson preparation, practice, and reflections of pre-service elementary teachers, we attempt to understand the difficulties they encounter and what could result from those difficulties in their practice. A total of 16 seniors (fourth-year students) in an elementary teacher education program participated in this study. In our findings, we highlight three difficulties ‘on the lesson’ that are related to teaching practices that were missing in the classrooms: (1) developing children’s own ideas and curiosity, (2) guiding children in designing valid experiments for their hypotheses, (3) scaffolding children’s data interpretation and discussion and another three difficulties ‘under the lesson’ that are related to problems with the pre-service teachers’ conceptualization of the task: (4) tension between guided and open inquiry, (5) incomplete understanding of hypothesis, and (6) lack of confidence in science content knowledge. Based on these findings, we discuss how these difficulties are complexly related in the pre-service teachers’ understandings and action. Several suggestions for science teacher education for inquiry teaching, especially hypothesis-based inquiry teaching, are then explored.
机译:在强调科学教育中的探究教学的背景下,本研究探讨了岗前基础教师在现场体验中如何理解和实践科学探究教学。通过研究探究课的准备,练习和岗前基础教师的反思,我们试图了解他们所遇到的困难以及这些困难在实践中可能导致的后果。小学教师教育计划中共有16位大四学生(四年级学生)参加了这项研究。在我们的发现中,我们强调了课堂上缺少的与教学实践相关的三个难题:(1)培养孩子们自己的想法和好奇心,(2)指导孩子为他们的假设设计有效的实验,( 3)脚手架儿童的数据解释和讨论以及“下课”中的另外三个困难,这些问题与职前教师的任务概念化问题有关:(4)引导式和开放式探究之间的张力,(5)对任务的理解不完全假设,以及(6)对科学内容知识缺乏信心。基于这些发现,我们讨论了这些困难如何与职前教师的理解和行动复杂地联系在一起。然后探讨了对探究教学,特别是基于假设的探究教学的理科教师教育的一些建议。



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