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Science Teaching Orientations and Technology-Enhanced Tools for Student Learning


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This qualitative study examines teacher orientations and technology-enhanced tools for student learning within a science literacy framework. Data for this study came from a group of 10 eighth grade science teachers. Each of these teachers was a participant in a professional development (PD) project focused on reformed and technology-enhanced science instruction shaped by national standards documents. The research is focused on identifying teacher orientations and use of technology-enhanced tools prior to or unaffected by PD. The primary data sources for this study are drawn from learning journals and classroom observations. Qualitative methods were used to analyze learning journals, while descriptive statistics were used from classroom observations to further explore and triangulate the emergent qualitative findings. Two teacher orientation teacher profiles were developed to reveal the emergent teacher orientation dimensions and technology-enhanced tool categories found: “more traditional teacher orientation profile” and “toward a reformed-based teacher orientation profile.” Both profiles were founded on “knowledge of” beliefs about the goals and purposes for science education, while neither profile revealed sophisticated beliefs about the nature of science. The “traditional” profile revealed more teacher-centered beliefs about science teaching and learning, and the “towards reformed-based” profile revealed student-centered beliefs. Finally, only technology-enhanced tools supportive of collaborative construction of science knowledge were found connected to the “towards reformed-based” profile. This research is concluded with a proposed “reformed-based teacher orientation profile” as a future target for science teaching and learning with technology-enhanced tools in a science literacy framework.
机译:这项定性研究考察了科学素养框架内教师的定向和学生学习的技术增强工具。这项研究的数据来自一组10名八年级科学老师。这些教师中的每位都是专业发展(PD)项目的参与者,该项目专注于由国家标准文件塑造的经过改革和技术增强的科学教学。该研究的重点是在PD之前或不受PD影响的情况下确定教师的方向和使用技术增强的工具。这项研究的主要数据来源来自学习期刊和课堂观察。定性方法用于分析学习期刊,而课堂观察中使用描述性统计数据进一步探究和三角化出现的定性发现。开发了两个教师定向教师档案,以揭示新兴的教师定向维度和发现的技术增强工具类别:“更传统的教师定向档案”和“迈向基于改革的教师定向档案”。两种概貌都是基于对科学教育的目的和宗旨的“知识”信念而建立的,而两种概貌都没有揭示对科学本质的复杂信念。 “传统”简介揭示了更多以教师为中心的关于科学教与学的信念,“走向改革为基础”的简介则揭示了以学生为中心的信念。最后,只有支持科学知识的协作建设的技术增强工具才被发现与“走向改革的基础”相联系。这项研究以提议的“基于改革的教师取向简介”作为结束,该提议是使用科学素养框架中的技术增强工具进行科学教学的未来目标。



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