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Concept Maps as Expressions of Teachers’ Meaning–Making while Beginning to Teach Semiconductors


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The challenge of teaching new subject matter is a familiar one for most teachers. This paper investigates the content knowledge gains made by seven teachers as they learn to teach the topic of semiconductors through a process of self-study. ‘Semiconductors’ is a new topic in the curriculum which looks at the sub-microscopic properties of materials used in electronics and is important because of its applications in modern technology. We present a phenomenographic analysis of 21 concept maps produced by seven teachers at various stages of their self-study project. Four categories of description emerged in the analysis, viz. no meaning, orientation to understanding of subject matter (SMK), a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) context focus, and a PCK strategy focus. The last category proved to be the most interesting as it suggested that the teacher saw the learning of SMK and learning to teach the SMK as a single process. This finding was considered as important in understanding how teachers learn new SMK for teaching. We found that experienced teachers make sense of their new SMK in different ways. There is a variation of orientation in their learning and sense-making. The data also showed progression of teachers’ understanding of the topic through the self-study process. The findings suggest that learning SMK for the purposes of teaching is different to learning for fulfilling the requirements of a study programme.
机译:对于大多数教师而言,教授新学科的挑战是一个熟悉的挑战。本文研究了七位教师通过自学过程学习半导体主题时所获得的内容知识。 “半导体”是课程中的一个新主题,着眼于电子中使用的材料的亚微观特性,由于其在现代技术中的应用而非常重要。我们对七位教师在自学项目各个阶段制作的21张概念图进行了现象学分析。分析中出现了四类描述,即。没有意义,对主题的理解(SMK),教学内容知识(PCK)上下文重点和PCK策略重点。最后一个类别被证明是最有趣的,因为它表明老师将学习SMK和学习SMK视为一个单一的过程。这项发现被认为对理解教师如何学习新的SMK进行教学很重要。我们发现,经验丰富的老师会以不同的方式理解他们的新SMK。他们的学习和感悟取向各不相同。数据还显示了教师通过自学过程对这一主题的理解的进步。研究结果表明,以教学为目的学习SMK与满足学习计划要求的学习不同。



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